July 2020 | by Divya Chauhan

It's time to speak-up, the right way
Why brands need to be socially conscious

The Brand's Voice

Each brand has its voice that is reflected through its products, services, aesthetics, interiors, fonts, colors, websites, words, and the emotions all these elements together invoke. People endorse brands for their voices. People want to associate themselves with better voices (brands), to feel good and mean something, to create this specific vibe they want others to see in them. Brands are like a reflection people pick for themselves.

You want to feel athletic? You buy Nike. You want to feel like a celebrity? You buy Fendi, Huda. You want to feel rich? You buy Mercedes, Ferrari.

People tell a silent story about themselves when they carry a brand. That's quite a power brands possess, right? But all the glam and fame comes with even bigger responsibilities; the responsibility of being the correct voice!

Using the Voice

Every time a brand uses its voice, it should remember that it speaks for and on behalf of its consumers. It becomes quite critical for brands to continually analyze how its consumers want to feel and what they want to say, every day or on some special occasions; like protests for social justice, like the one currently happening in the United States.

A look at the streets there will tell you the intensity of people's rage (which is quite obvious). Every street in the world is yelling against the discrimination. Everything ever held back in the name of racism is exploding out of everyone. Amidst all the united voices of people standing tall against the injustice and wanting to stir the system and start a wave of change, can the brands afford to be silent?

Silence; Sometimes the best strategy, sometimes the worst. Especially when the entire world is out, speaking against a serious unjust incident; about a pain some community is tolerating for generations. Brands too, should take a stand and speak, and be the voice its consumers want it to be. Ones that don't, would be silenced for years, losing its consumers and risk being lost. Ones that do, will become the pride of its consumers, ever-strengthening the brand-consumer relationship.

But looking a step ahead, is only having a voice important? Being the right voice is more logical than aimlessly singing with the crowd. Brands would need an in-depth and comprehensive outlook; Weighing all the factors and stakeholders is the right approach for not calling upon unwanted attention. Here are some factors that brands should care for before they run the race.

To your brand's journey

Brands attach themselves to some social cause, bringing awareness for change, uplifting the social situations as part of their CSR, pertaining to that sphere of social need, according to their product or service. This sphere is carefully drawn after diligently analyzing the impact of their products and service. It could also be inspired by the very reason the brand/product/service was introduced. It could also be a result of some major setbacks faced by the company in its past and now the brand has taken upon its shoulders, to be the responsible one.

Does the current chaos fall within the sphere? If yes, how close to the core? If not, how far from the sphere? This would determine the intensity of the voice the brand should use.

Towards the cause

Brands evolve to reach and impact far from what was envisioned at the start. In turbulent social times, a quick glance at these questions might help you land right: Has your product/service, directly or indirectly been, a practitioner or the cause, part or full, of the injustice? In the past? In present? What probable sentiments can be hurt in the future (considering the worst-case scenarios)? Can the skepticism drag your brand in dirt someday? A little look at the brighter side too, can your product/service solve or improve the chaos? This would determine the brand's consciousness and proactiveness towards society.

Standing Up
From heart or Herd?

Does your brand have recognition for having an opinion every time the wrongs have surfaced or is it just those few times out of peer pressure? This would determine the dedication of your brand, reflected through constant endeavours and not just one just one-time trick.

Real or Reel?

The credibility meter should be feared. Your communication or response should be aligned with your brand's practices. Imposturous sugar-coated communication could do the brand more harm than the good envisioned. This would determine the honesty and authenticity of your brand's intentions.

Action-Backed stand
Not just in the words

It's easier to just post a few empathetic words on different mediums and hope to be seen as the hero. Beat this - A brand that works on the grounds to ease the chaos. Actual genuine efforts; Impresses more, right? A brand can be a part of positive change by being on the grounds. Let the people speak for you rather than the graphics of your branding team. This would determine the genuine concerns and sincerity of the brand's efforts.

Does the current chaos fall within the sphere? If yes, how close to the core? If not, how far from the sphere? This would determine the intensity of the voice the brand should use.

The Way Ahead

It's about time brands learn the right way of caring for the society that makes them prosperous. Becoming the right voice that consumers carry and will want to carry for themselves for a long time, should be the direction of your brand's journey ahead.